Meet our Growers
Boyne River Pecans
Mundubbera, QLD
Boyne River Pecans is the home and family business of Lindsay Chicken, daughter Michelle and son-in-law Boyd Paton. The farm is located at Mundubbera on the banks of the Boyne River, 2.5hrs inland of Bundaberg QLD.
Their pecan operation consists of approx. 10,000 trees planted over 56 hectares, with further plantings scheduled for 2020. The oldest of the pecan trees are nearly 20 years old now and the newest is just 5 years old.
The business produces not only bulk NIS but operates a successful value-add pecan business, processing premium quality pecan kernel, sold direct from the farm gate to their online customers, restaurants and grocery stores. All pecans are grown, harvested and shelled entirely on farm. Their value added confectionery products are handcrafted by some of the best in the business using all farm grown pecans.
Boyne River Pecans is deeply passionate about the quality of the product they produce and how they grow it. The farms’ pecans are grown completely pesticide-free under biological and regenerative farming practices.
Wilson River Pecans
North Coast of NSW
Geoff & Debbie Bugden have been a pecan nut farmers for 25 years and the successful operators of Pecans Australia since 2008. Their farm and distribution depot are located on the picturesque flats of the Wilson River, near Lismore, on the North Coast of NSW.
With approximately 6000 trees from 10 to 50 years, the farms’ yields are some of the highest in the district. The couple are highly passionate and knowledgeable about biological, regenerative and organic pecan farming and Geoff has been a guest speaker at the Australian Biological Conference on several occasions.
The Bugden’s are well respected for their contribution to the industry and their desire to see all its farmers succeed. In 2020, the Bugden’s farm officially received its Certified Organic status, now being the suppliers of quality Certified Organic Bulk NIS and Certified Organic Pecan Kernel to their retail customers.
Tweed River Pecans
Tweed River Pecans is a family owned Pecan Orchard, run by David and Kaye McNaught and their daughter Jessie. The McNaught family planted their first pecan trees on the farm in 1999 on an old 53ha cattle property in the Tweed Shire, NSW. Today the farm consists of 10ha of pecan orchard, managed under biological farming principles.
What drives the owners of Tweed River Pecans, is a self-professed, love of nature and the everyday joy of using regenerative practices to grow nutritious food.
David’s background is in nut farming and microbiology, Kaye’s is in education and Jessie brings knowledge of animal husbandry and a passion for nutritional healthcare. These skills all contribute to their thriving pecan business, producing high quality, nutritious food for locals and for export.
Since 2010 the orchard has been managed using only biological inputs. Highlights of their efforts include:
Measurable soil carbon increasing from 3% to 7%
Harvesting a crop of pecan nuts in 2019 despite a summer of drought
Yields in 2020 growing to unexpected levels in quantity and quality of nuts despite difficult conditions. (Some Shoshoni measuring 58% kernel upon crackout)
Dave, Kaye & Jessie have quote that “we are excited to be foundation members of the Pecan Farmers' Co-operative of Australian, having benefited from sales to Pecans Australia run by Geoff and Debbie Bugden since 2008”.
Tweed River Pecans can be contacted by email : or Instagram: @tweedpecans
James and Janet Russell, Founding Members, Kyogle, NSW.
“We have been on our pecan nut farm at Kyogle NSW for seventeen years. We started the conversion process to Australian Certified Organic Pecans in 2011 and have been certified since 2014. It is important for us to have a healthy product and to improve and maintain the health of our land. The
Co-operative is something we are passionate about for Australian pecan growers as it will give us more power in the marketing of our product. It's exciting to be a part of a growing industry in Australia.”
Trevor & Mary Day, Co-op Foundation Members, Mylneford, NSW
Trevor & Mary Day planted their first pecan trees 23 years ago.
When asked about pecan farming and the new Co-op, their passion was easily evident...
"We see pecans as a valuable food source. We have received great benefit from the Pecan Association members sharing their knowledge. We feel we receive a fair and reasonable price for our product. It is a good income per hectare planted compared to just having cattle grazing the paddocks. There are few chemicals needed,hence our decision 10 years ago to convert to organic farming".
So why join the Pecan Farmers' Co-op of Australia?
"We think it is important for small growers to have a say in the industry. Everyone's livelihood is important, even more so for small growers , as it is a their main income and livelihood. It gives small growers some strength in numbers for marketing their product".